Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Kit Ashton on Climate change, Trump and bigotry - a guest post

I'm delighted to publish for the record the recent letter to the paper written by local democracy and Jèrriais campaigner Kit Ashton.

He tackles climate change, Donald Trump and Jersey-based racism, and what progressives need to do to respond.

We'll be discussing some of these subjects at our next 'Pint and Politics' event upstairs at the Green Rooster at 8pm on 9th December. Come join us for a discussion on the "Trump Effect" and how progressives should respond. We'll have guest speakers and live music. The last event was really good fun so hopefully this one will be even better!


Dear Editor

I write regarding Bram Wanrooij’s perceptive column on the election of Donald Trump and the rise of the populist far right.

Mr. Wanrooij makes some excellent points, and the questions he raises are now paramount not just for abstract debate – but – and I mean this with no intention of alarmism – for the continuing existence of humanity as we know it.

Beyond Trump’s arrogant, bullying manner; beyond his ignorant, fascist, nepotistic, and (partly) anti-Semitic cabinet; beyond his disgusting approval of racism, misogyny, torture, murdering the families of whoever he decides is a terrorist, pre-emptive nuclear strikes, and authoritarian autocracy; there is one policy position that should strike dread in every citizen of Earth: his stance on climate change.

On the same day Trump was elected, the World Meteorological Organization delivered its latest report, which reconfirmed the urgency for action: climate change is happening, it’s devastating, and humans are responsible. The evidence (if you’re a person who will actually weigh up evidence) is compelling.

Yet Trump is planning to defy 97% of peer-reviewed climate scientists, billions of global citizens, and the painstaking agreement of nearly 200 nation states, by tearing up the Paris Agreement, which may have mitigated the worst effects of environmental chaos. This is very bad news indeed.

So what can we do in little old Jersey?

First, I believe we should get our own house in order – Jersey’s slow progress on our carbon footprint, our dependence on petrol cars, indulgent lifestyles, over-population, and our woeful food security must be addressed. This mean us all mucking in.

Second, we can pressure our politicians to act - and to influence Trump’s position where possible.

Third, we need a cohesive community response, public debate, and a positive alternative to the politics of hate, division, and of course climate denial. This has already begun - with Jersey in Transition, Reform Jersey, and other helpful groups.

Finally, the good people of Jersey must remember our history and not shrink back from confronting and calling out the far-right for what it is. Trump’s bigoted allies and supporters are amongst us, though they mostly hide in euphemistic language.

Indeed, judging by his consistent, cringeworthy endorsement of all things Trump on social media, one such person even writes a column for the JEP… I’ll give readers a clue: he’s not from Jersey, he’s got a few quid, and his name is not Bram Wanrooij.


  1. Hardly comforting for local people who have to pay through the nose for accommodation, battle outsiders for jobs and deal with excessive traffic brought on by an open door policy already.

  2. Nobody is interested in the bald truth review any more.

    Shoot to thrill. whoops!

    1. The real problem is that all too few people in politics are interested in THE truth not just the bald truth.

    2. Digger getting his thrills looking at Sam24 November 2016 at 13:00

      Most in Jersey politics outside of Reform and a handful of others don't even know what the truth is! That is the size of the problem here.

  3. Good question but is it not fair to say that Letting Agents only exist for the fees?

    1. Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier will ask the following question of the

    Minister for Housing –
    “Following the announcement of the U.K. Government in the Autumn Budget that it intends to ban letting agent fees for tenants, will the Minister consider implementing such a policy in Jersey?”

    1. Yes, but those fees should come from the landlords, not the tenant.

      The landlord has choice over which letting agent he or she uses, but the tenant does not have that option.

    2. That's true.
      Some Agents charge a couple of Hundred extra to Tenants for drawing up a basic contract.
      Like a Standard document with normal Terms and Conditions of Tenure.
      Citizen's Advice know all about it because people have complained.

  4. Is this story true?

    That despite a unanimous decision in the States to prohibit exclusive clauses on Zero Hour Contracts it won't be adopted anyway?

    1. There is a complication in that zero-hours contracts are largely an import from the UK, which has legislation which governs their usage, whereas Jersey has an absence of legislation in this area.

      So, to pass legislation to ban exclusivity clauses, you also need to introduce a full whack of legislation to recognise zero-hours as a legal concept in the first place.

      That isn't something which can be done over night, but it is of course entirely possible to achieve.

      The Minister has been told the Assembly wants exclusivity clauses banned, so she will have to set off on that path of achieving this, but will need to take the preliminary steps to get there.

      I will be constantly asking for updates and pushing for this to be done quicker and in a more transparent way.

      It will absolutely happen, I'll damn well make sure of that!

    2. Okay well thanks for clearing it up.
      It is not very well reported.
      New legislation in Jersey is always complicated and time consuming.

  5. Sam.

    Exclusive and in-depth interview with constitutional expert and Jersey Advocate Philip Sinel (TRAILER.)

  6. I for one applaud you for your stance against bullies Sam and wish more politicians would speak out against them. I am a victim of the person making the threatening phone calls and his online hate campaign against those who speak out against child abuse.

  7. Dear Deputy. For publication or not as you see fit. I noticed today that your stalker Jon H is using a story relating to the governor on the JEPs pages to infer that you are gay. The comment is under his resurrected Digger Barnes fake account. I know he also attacks you and others as Shoot to Thrill. Disgusting harassment and shocking that an apparently respectable newspaper hasn't banned these two fake accounts yet. Time you went to the police perhaps? Not that I suppose they would do much under Mr Bowron?

    1. Yup he posts the same disgusting comments anonymously on here too.

      That's the JEP for you. They publish a lot worse in fairness.

  8. Deputy.

    Can you tell us did you follow Stevie Ocean's example and ensure you had both a security team in place and body armour before taking to the hustings at the bi-election?

    A one of only two candidates attempting to represent ordinary working people you were surely at far greater risk of an assassination attempt by the Establishment.

  9. Deputy Mezec. can you please, please, please help save Mr Bronx? can you find out why it is that the Petty Debts Court is deciding whether this beautiful animal is a 'pit bull type' when it should surely be decided by DNA test? Also as Mr Bronx had been in the island without incident why is a law about importing him being used when he was already 'a Jersey dog'? There is no such thing as a bad do just bad owners - or in this case bad customs officers and court officials.

  10. Hello.

    Jonnie the maker of death threat phone calls is now on the Jersey Evening Pravda on line pages calling himself KAZ 81.

    For those who have foloowed his stalking antics for many years one can notice his questioning of your support from unit is exactly the same as written attacking other candidates gaining union support for standing on behapf of the poor and workers in years past.

    Bring back Graham 73!

    1. Jon Howarth is now sending me through a torrent of homophobic abuse.

    2. Thought your favorite line was calling people facists and racists.

    3. So many homophobics online these days.
      Must be a subject very close to your heart Sam.
      Even calling Mark one over the weekend lol.

    4. Because he is. He even said it himself. He said "I am without doubt homophobic".

    5. Sounds like tongue in cheek to me.
      Such a sensitive little boy.

    6. Only because you're a disgusting homophobe too.

      What about "children are not lifestyle accessories for poofs"? Is that tongue in cheek too?

    7. Was this awful comment about 'poofs' published by a person given a column in the JEP? if so it is disgusting. No wonder this paper is said by some to be headed for liquidation if its sales don't turn around?

    8. It was indeed. Shameful on the part of the JEP to legitimise these bigoted views.

    9. Thank you for clarifying that. even by the standards of the JEP and its editor Mr Sibcy I confess that I am for once absolutely shocked. I think you should bring a motion to have the JEP reporter removed from the press box in the States and suggest they be replaced with a blogger such as from Voiceforchildren. What will children conclude reading such evil, ignorant prejudice?

    10. Maybe its time Jon's missus took him for a Christmas holiday? Tenerife's nice this time of year.

    11. Could she not book a return ticket?

    12. Perhaps she has tried in the past? Doubt they would let her leave him to be honest. Who would look after him? But perhaps he could be strapped on a Jetski and pointed toward Africa? Not saying I am offering. But if a few of your fellow victims want to have a whipround?

  11. Sam.

    Interview with ADVOCATE PHILIP SINEL.

    On anther note congratulations on your speech yesterday which has now attracted 209 comments, 858 shares, and a staggering 37,000 views on Facebook. Keep up the good work it is evidently being noticed.

    1. Which speech was this please?

  12. JEP going down the pan?

  13. Good hit rate from your UNITE podcast. Shame 99% of it is outside of Jersey though.

    1. A one man show.
      Sam Mezec live the dream.
      We already know via JT hits you are talking bollocks and who is Jon?

    2. Its been analysed Sam.

    3. No it hasn't you waste of space. Who by? And why? Don't they have a job to be doing?

      I've got the insights from Facebook. It's bollocks. Tens of thousands of Islanders have seen it. I know that upsets you because it's the start of the movement that will eventually sort out our harassment laws and you'll end up locked up.

    4. The Government owns JT.

    5. Firstly, I love this idea that the government are using their commercial ventures to spy on opposition politicians. That'll make a nice scandal.

      Secondly, they're doing a crap job. I've got the stats. 65% of the video hits are from Jersey. That's around 60,000. Some of those will be people watching more than once. But my video has been seen by tens of thousands of Islanders.

      You're nervous because your time is coming.

    6. Also, why haven't you put it up on your hate site yet? I'd love to hear Paul Holme's view.

  14. Nobody gets nervous about one man shows.

    1. A one man show with a video supported by tens of thousands of Islanders.

      You'd have to give up the old Stella to focus on your fake profiles to even get a tenth of those stats on your own sad site.

  15. Sam I have access to information that would make you equally nervous.
    You are kidding yourself with these hits.

  16. The actual local views are 578.

    1. Hahahaha hahahahahaha amazing.

      Jon Howarth, go get some fresh air.

      Do you want to tell us how many local hits there have been for the video of your drunken phonecall threatening VFC?

  17. Thought I had read something similar a few days ago -

    'Maureen Morgan 91k? I don't believe that. Considering how many people are on the electoral roll, I'd say either the counter is on the blink or fixed.

    Anyway John, don't get too excited, some will be people who can't abide him looking for ammo.
    Like · 4 December at 17:36'

    1. Facts have never been something which plays a part of her opinion forming.

      The video has had 96k views and about 2/3 of those are from locally registered Facebook accounts.

  18. Sam.

    A "Pint and Politics" evening with Reform Jersey discussing THE DONALD TRUMP EFFECT.

  19. Jon, you have an atrocious employment record (possibly down to your criminal record) and you're leaving anonymous comments telling other people that they're unemployable.

    Have a look at yourself mate.

  20. Doubt Jon cares seeing as the Landlord and his wife were in the Petty Debts court today showing that they struggle to pay basic bills.

  21. Sam.

    Peter Mac inadvertently explains "irony" to States Members while having an apparent nervous breakdown in the JERSEY PARLIAMENT.

  22. Irony is standing for Senator and then working to get rid of them VFC.
    This is the MENTALity we are dealing with here.

    1. No I think real irony has to be you sending anonymous messages to mock someone's allegedly employability.

      How you getting on in Petty Debts by the way?

    2. The Green with envy Parrot17 December 2016 at 18:33

      At least you know why Jon didn't stumble along to your Pint & Politics Night? he couldn't afford to buy a pint.

  23. You really are a ver nasty piece of work. You don't know who those comments are from, but you just make things up to suit your own agenda alway. We know you write most comments yourself. Like the 'anonymous' comment about Ms Morgan that went up as soon as you cleared the first one. She isn't the only one who says you're a dumbass. could have been loads of people who know youre a tit. Go look at Jersey 1st.I wouldn't pick on someone down on their luck either, as you're supposed to stand up for ordinary people. When you get the boot next oct its were you're heading to.

    1. Woops! Stuck a nerve did I?

      I'm not being called a nasty piece of work by someone with your criminal record Jon.

      Also, I'm not being called a dumbass by someone who hasn't figured out there is no election next October.

  24. He calls everybody Jon on here.
    It was noted by PPC 2 years ago.
    Never names him fully mind because he has no balls.

    1. Jon, I'm trying to enjoy some time out with my mates right now. Could you do me a favour and get lost? I'm reporting you for the homophobic abuse you've been sending this week.

    2. Are you admitting to being gay Sam?
      See a thread has started about you on the subject with 15 comments in less than 12 minutes.
      There is no way you can say you represent families when you are not able to have a real one yourself.
      Probably about time you came out mate after all you are a politician.

  25. Who is Paul Holmes?

  26. Does Reform Jersey support this?

    1. Of course, he's been working with Andrew Lewis on it.

  27. Shame you can't confront Mick Rolland and Jonny Freeemantle.
    Such a lot of homophobic hatred against you from these men with photoshop pictures of you in compromising positions.

  28. Was that the stalker Jon I saw in the petty debts court? The same person who mocks other people alleged debts and their ability to find gainful employment? How very ironic.

    1. How much does this nasty piece of work owe and to whom does he owe it? Must be in the public domain?

    2. I've been following the local online chatter about a certain individual being in the Petty Debts Court. Having looked at the list for 14th Dec, I can't see Jason The Maverick anywhere.

      Was it the sitting of 14th Dec? Anyone got a link?

    3. Week before was it not?

  29. I have just been browsing next year's States debates and reading a few proposition reports I was stunned to learn that Constables can retain their seats even if insane!

    Turns out that there are hardly any restrictions to stop a Constable being in the States. Constables also retain their seats in the States if bankrupt while Senators and Deputies are forced out.

    Why are Constables not treated the same as all of the rest of you? I'm only half joking when I say that many would probably think a good half of the Constables who have sat in the States over the years are/were bonkers.

    1. Absolutely. I'll be voting to support Mike Higgins's proposition to equalise the rules.

      All members of a parliament should be treated equal.

      I'd actually go one step further and say tha bankruptcy should not be a disqualifying criterion for elected public office, just like it isn't in many modern democratic parliaments.

      But in the meantime, reducing the period is a sensible step forward.

    2. The other question is why wasn't the election law amended down to four years when the bankruptcy law was modernised several years ago? Especially when Constables can sit in the States even if bankrupt. If only out of fairness I hope this gets through just like Higgins' vote of no confidence in the shocking States Employment Board. If it doesn't the only reason will be personal won't it?

    3. Rudolph the Red-nosed alcoholic24 December 2016 at 13:34

      Given your comment about abolishing this outdated and, we now know, discriminatory bankruptcy legislation why don't you consider amending Deputy Higgins' proposition to bring us in to line with many other jurisdictions?

      If being open to temptations of taking 'a Terry' is the concern then how can it be that, for a current example, we have the Constable of St. Peter being the Minister for Planning?

      He could be made bankrupt but still keep his post in a ministry which must offer the biggest potential for a big padded envelope being pushed under the door

  30. Stop attacking Rico.

  31. Hi Sam,

    I always keep a watching eye on Jason The Maverick or 'Jonny' as he styles himself nowadays. No posts on his favourite FB groups for several weeks now. I wonder what's up? With JEP comments also closed down, he must be climbing the walls?

    It does occur to me, with all this talk about the petty debts court, that maybe he has landed somewhere without an internet connection? What a blessing that would be. A decade or more of toxicity, brought to an end. 2017 is looking great already! Or is he still giving you grief?

    1. I've received none of his usual abusive anonymous comments in quite a while as well.

    2. Thanks for the reply. Never say never with this character. Nevertheless, his silence is a blessing.

    3. No you only abuse Mark Proudfoot all the time instead of admitting that you are a homosexual who cannot stand his honest opinions of your shameful predicament.

    4. Looks like we spoke too soon.

      More homophobia from Jon.

    5. Does anyone know the date of this yob's appearance in the Petty Debts court? I know he apparently sent his poor wife along brave man but it must be listed. I ask because would it not be interesting if he happened to owe money to any internet/IT related companies. Probably just the off-licence I know. Have a Happy New Year Sam.

  32. How can a Constable be allowed to sit in the States and maybe even run a ministry yet someone who has been cleared of a bankruptcy after four years cannot stand for election for another whole year? This simply can't be ECHR compliant. I would also really like to know why Constables are always treated as special cases different to Senators and Deputies. Any ideas Deputy?

    1. It's an anachronistic legacy of how the States actually ended up existing as a parliamentary Chamber.

      The States was a combination of the estates in Jersey (Jurats, rectors and Constables) coming together under the leadership of the Bailiff.

      It wasn't until the 1850s and 1948 that Deputies and Senators (respectively) were created specifically to be an office in the States, with no other responsibilities. So the laws from which the offices originate are separate to the Constables.

      After the 2014 referendum on keeping the Constables, there was a brief discussion about reforming the law so that the legislation covering membership of the States was all consolidated into one so it would be identical for all categories of members.

      I was keen on this idea. Apparently others weren't and so the idea was dropped.

      At the end of the day, it's not right for a parliamentarian to have any other duty prioritised over their work as a parliamentarian. The Constables, if they want to remain as parliamentarians, should be States Members first and local mayors second.

  33. Is there any truth in the rumour that you are going to stand for Constable of St. Helier?

  34. I'd love to know who you are posting about on here because the Data Protection Law clearly states the following on all Petty Debt Court Lists -
    'The personal data in this document is covered by the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2005. It has been disseminated for use in connection with the Petty Debts Court hearing on the date listed and should not be processed or disclosed to any other party without the express permission of the Judicial Greffier. The data contained within this document is not an indication of an individuals or firms creditworthiness and should be destroyed after use.'
    Baring in mind that you are a States Deputy who Emma Martins is already aware of for pestering people online about their confidential tax arrangements and spent court cases, it would be interesting to know what she thinks about you encouraging people on here to break the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2005 on Petty Debt Court lists.

    1. Give it a rest Jon.

      When a conviction becomes spent, it just means you don't have to declare it on job applications and it won't appear in basic criminal record checks. It does not mean that ordinary members of the public have to refuse to acknowledge that it happened. The conviction will stay on your permanent criminal record forever.

      Nobody is breaking any rules by referring to a criminal conviction which happened and is on public record.

      It's a bit rich for you to complain about people referring to your conviction when you regularly use your fake Facebook profiles to bring up the fact two politicians were convicted for an offence under the elections law 8 years ago, convictions which are now spent too.

      It's never a good idea to get into that game Jon because in most people's eyes your conviction for threatening to kill someone is a lot more serious than a conviction for helping a few old ladies apply for a postal vote.

    2. Jon who? You go on and on about a Jon.
      Name him fully. I do not know any Jon ever done for making a death threat phone call so you are making it up.
      As for States members breaking the law, well £12,000.00 worth of fines is serious but you support these losers so why should we be surprised? You support bankrupts as well. Amusing how these crimes are all committed by the LEFT in Jersey with Data Protection and contempt of court issues.
      Oh and will you stop attacking normal straight men with wives and children online. You are supposed to be a Politician but instead you are child who is reportedly gay and into men so cannot stand straight people getting on with their straight normal lives. It shines out of you so obviously. Straight people exist Sam Mezec and the last thing they deserve is some celibate homosexual hounding them all the time.

    3. Has the Hate Troll had tax issues as well? That is what his comment suggests. How ironic given his appalling, caught on the phone falsely bragging about Rico Sorda's private tax details. Odd isn't it how the troll goes on about other people's spent convictions. yet whines about mention of his own far more serious offence. He goes on about people talking about his tax yet has been reported to the police and tax authorities about his own false statements about Mr Sorda's tax. He now has an obsession with falsely claiming you are gay! (What would it matter if you were? It wouldn't) When you consider the Hate Troll's sad and pathetic history the natural conclusion is that when he goes on about people being closet gays he is is subconsciously sending out messages about his own leanings. A very sad little man you would do best to just laugh at like most people do. He is hardly 'normal' to use one of his favourite words.

  35. "The conviction will stay on your permanent criminal record forever."

    No sorry but that is bollocks unless you've been imprisoned for more than 3 years.

    1. Wrong. If that upsets you you should have thought about it before you picked up the phone.

    2. Anon.
      Do not even bother listen to any of this bullshit.
      If you want clarity about Spent convictions speak to either the States of Jersey Police or the Probation Service and forget this uneducated prick.
      I have a DIC conviction from 2002 and know full well its spent.

    3. This uneducated prick has a law degree.

      Thanks for informing us about your own highly irresponsible actions, but nobody here was arguing that Jon's conviction isn't spent. I'm just making the point that it being spent is not a legal reason for me or anyone else to be prevented from referring to it.

    4. I was fined £400 for the possession of a small amount of cannabis and had to wait for 5 years before it was wiped clean off my record. Yes you have to disclose spent convictions for working with children or joining the Police but it has not stopped me getting a job because I have never had to dislcose this conviction and I have a letter confirmeing that my record is clean. So stop writing lies about this subject.

    5. You've contradicted yourself in your own comment.

      There is a difference between a basic CRB check and an enhanced CRB check.

      Spent convictions won't appear in the former, but they will in the latter.

    6. I said disclosuire of old convictions is only for people applying for specific jobs like working with children.

    7. WHo is Jon? Can you clarify who the heck you keep on talking about.

    8. Yes, but anybody can apply for those specific jobs, so a permanent record of all convictions is held. There is no such thing as a "clean record" if you have been convicted of something and some point.

      This debate is a complete waste of time.

      Jon throws his toys out of the pram and complains when people refer to the fact he was convicted for phoning someone up and threatening that them and their family would be killed. That conviction is now spent and he seems to think that that means nobody is ever allowed to publicly recall this incident. He is wrong. We can refer to it as much as we like, and we continue to do so as long as he continues to run is pathetic fake facebook profiles attacking victims of child abuse, and now sending me all this homophobic abuse every 5 minutes.

    9. Its Jon Freemantle who posts gay stuff about him online.

    10. I completely agree Sam. There is nothing in law to prevent us from discussing that Person A was convicted of offence X on day Y. Especially if it has been reported in the island's main newspaper and more widely in citizen's media, on the internet.

      Just because the conviction is spent from their perspective, does not mean that nobody can talk about the public fact that the conviction did indeed occur.

      Certain individuals trot this line out from time to time. It will never wash.

  36. Some people learn by their convictions. Others like Jon don't

  37. 'Jon throws his toys out of the pram and complains when people refer to the fact he was convicted for phoning someone up and threatening that them and their family would be killed.'

    Only person throwing toys all the time is you. How many times has this Jon been mentioned on your blog, 1,000?

    Anybody with a spent conviction being hounded by a States Member will simply show that abuse to authorities like SS if they have problems getting work.

    1. If I've mentioned you 1,000 times it's because you've posted here 10,000 times.

      You can't continue to attack victims of child abuse and run all your fake profiles and complain when people stand up to you.

  38. Deputy. If I can be allowed to interrupt all of this nonsense from this troll could you please clarify something for me?

    I believe that you are on PPC? This committee has recently lodged for debate a number of matters that rightly need updating with regard to Jersey's election law.

    From what I have read this includes all manner of things from expenditure, to challenges of results, to the old sodomy laws. All of these certainly do need updating without question.

    But can you explain to me why did PPC not include the very, very serious matters that Deputy Mike Higgins has now had to bring forward for updating?

    You are a progressive politician. For what it is worth I even voted for you in the by-election recently. So can you tell us if there is a hidden agenda with PPC here? I note that Senator Philip Ozouf for example sits on PPC and that it is chaired by the longest serving politician to now be a Constable.

    Just consider.

    Leave the Constables free to commit all manner of offences that would cost Senators or Deputies their seat. Update sodomy laws but don't bother to bring the equally outdated restrictions on people now free of bankruptcy standing for election in line with Jersey's own 1990 bankruptcy legislation?

    What is going on? It seems truly disturbing that a committee chaired by the longest serving States member who is now a Constable can not bring forward proposals to bring him and his colleagues in to line with other States members.

    So perhaps you can tell us. Will you be putting it to your PPC colleagues that they really should be making known their support for Deputy Higgins doing the work that you really should have done yourself?

    1. Doubt this will get an answer any time soon?

    2. Just because I don't answer in half an hour doesn't mean I won't answer. I'm a busy man.

      I've been actively involved on PPC in the discussions about updating the Public Elections Law. Decisions are made in discussion and all members just sit round a table and collective agree on what gets taken forward and what doesn't. There are 7 members of the committee, all of very varying political persuasion and we very often hit deadlock.

      I made a whole range of suggestions of things to update or change, many of which were ignored. I honestly can't remember if I specifically brought up the bankruptcy rules or not. I might have done, but I brought up quite of a lot of things so can't remember them all.

      I did suggest in one of PPC's very first meetings that Constables were included in the general law governing qualifications for candidacy for Senators and Deputies, and it seemed like this point was initially agreed, but then at the next meeting it was made clear that this wasn't going to happen.

      PPC hasn't met since Deputy Higgins lodged his proposition and I anticipate that it will probably support him. There is no logical argument against it.

    3. No logical reasons? I think you are spot on there, Sam. The problem will be that the likes of Ozouf and Norman don't support fairness or democracy do they? If you can advise your other colleagues I will tip you off to who else is an enemy of progress, fairness and justice etc. This wasn't my question but it certainly is a very valid one so as a reader thank you for answering it. I expect most people will appreciate that you can't always answer in half and hour. My message to your critics would be that at least you do answer. That puts you ahead of about 98%! Good luck. I look forward to trying to follow Deputy Higgins debate while at work via the miracle of live streaming.

    4. Thanks anonymous. Ozouf may well prove to be a nightmare about this, because he's a bloody nightmare on everything else.

      PPC has probably wasted thousands of pounds of taxpayers money and delayed progress on various projects for months because of him not turning up to meetings then demanding everything gets redebated at the next one he can make it to.

    5. A justifiable reason to propose his withdrawal or even sacking from PPC.

      The man does nothing apart from fart about in London with no tangible result.

      Probably better than ruining our chances of econmic stability as he did for years as a Treasury Minister 'borrowing' money from everywhere including Social Security ring-fenced monies?

      Or was that another clown?

      But having looked PPC up reading the above comment I see three Constables apparently blocked PPC's support for making Constables party to the same restrictions as the rest of you.

      That should not be allowed. Chairman and Vice-Chair Constables. Hope someone brings this up in the debate.

  39. What actually does prevent a Constable from keeping his or her seat? If not madness, bankruptcy or sodomising under age boys doesn't seem like much left. Maybe murdering someone or trafficking illegal drugs? But seriously what can't these useless, self-preserving sacks of offal do and get away with keeping their usually uncontested seats?

  40. I see in the Filthy Rag a woman who harassed her brother with a series of abusive calls has been banned from contacting him for ten years. She also got 20 hours community service. Perhaps you should ask the Home Affairs Minister why Jon Sharrock Troll who has harassed you and countless other people he is jealous of for living a normal life, and done so for nearly a decade can't be banned from contacting or stalking any of them for a similar period?

    The women alone he has threatened, stalked and abused over the phone or while hiding his cowardice on the internet should have made court action inevitable. If the police did not protect his as he brags to people. To think he tells you he lives a normal life while sending you abuse! Happy New Year. You are doing a good job.

  41. Replies
    1. And RJ wonder why the vast majority see them as a joke? I only managed the first 2 minutes of the video. Cringeworthy.

    2. I have put the same thing on Facebook.
      I get a life? Maybe get a WIFE eh?

    3. Dom Le Gresley is another of Howarth's fake Facebook profiles.

      I'll be reporting that last comment you sent to the police Jon. You really are a sicko.

      Happy new year.


    Car crash. RIP Reform Jersey.

  43. Sam.

    Can you tell us about these allegations that Reform somehow used an internet service to effectively 'buy' thousands of Facebook hits for your speech video?

    1. See comments on the Voiceforchildren website.

    2. Just seen it.

      As it's phrased, it's nonsense.

    3. Sorry I am a bit of an IT know nothing. When you say as its 'phrased it's nonsense' what does that mean please?

    4. You can't buy video hits. You can pay for a sponsored advert, but all that does is put the link on people's newsfeed, it doesn't force them to watch the video.

      You only get a 'hit' if people click on the video and watch it. The 100k hits are of people watching the video.

      The sponsored advert on Facebook barely generated any hits compared to its natural unpaid reach.

  44. Jon Dinsdale Piranha3 January 2017 at 19:54

    So someone being malicious then?

  45. Listen to Rico and get away from Lewis Sam before its too late.

  46. Jonnie Sharrock Kaz81 still spouting his garbage on the JEP pages attacking you and Reform.

    These 'childless little boy' jibes really do seem to say something about how worthless this individual is. Just like his homophobic abuse.

    With Christmas just past you do have to feel sad for this 'normal' man's family. Parents embarrassed to admit he is their son. Wife sent to petty debts because though it was his laziness that got them there he did not have the guts to attend.

    At least that is what his friend who uses the same bookies told my sister. If he put all the time and effort he pours in to abusing you and Reform in to sorting himself out he might finally be able to gain employment.

    Another thing he lost because of his trolling. Saw him just before Christmas in town. What a dishevelled mess.

    Happy New Year. Hope the proposition to get St Helier a couple more seats goes through. Lewis is a disgrace though.

  47. Interesting comment about your criticism of States Members riding around in limousines all day long in Friday's JEP..... I tend to think Mr Davis is probably right. You made out that it was States Members, when in fact it is more likely foreign officials, and secondly, you said limousines, when in fact a limousine has a separate compartment. I am advised that limousines are not used for States Members or foreign officials.

    1. Sounds like you haven't the faintest clue what you're talking about and prefer to fire off dumb comments like this without doing your research.

      The Freedom of Information request (which was not lodged by me and I have no idea who did lodge it) says very clearly that two States Members have travelled in taxpayer funded limousines.

      It's not hard to google this stuff you know.

  48. As a part of a foreign officials visit - which is understandable. Do you expect them to ride a pushbike alongside the vehicle? Secondly, no States Members have used limousines, the cars used are not by definition a limousine. So by the looks of it, either you are using incorrect terminology, and repeating an error, the FOI request has been reported incorrectly. Only facts that need checking are yours Mezec.

    1. Ah, the mask slips. You support States Members getting limos.

      Fine. But be honest about it from the start eh? It helps explain how your bias made you get everything else wrong after that.

  49. Hang on, 2 states members in two years used a luxury vehicle? Do you really think this is wrong? Whenever I see Gorst or Bailhache, they have always driven themselves to functions that I have ever been too. So who are you talking about, and really? Twice in two years.... keep on making this an issue... makes you look like a spoilt brat... if the shoe fits and all.....

  50. Deputy Mezec.

    Could you leave the petty debt dumbster to play by (with?) himself a while and talk about this upcoming Lewis proposition?

    A week or two ago on the Voice blog I am sure you told someone that you would publish the percentages to show how supporting the proposition would improve things for Saint Helier rep to voter/population wise.

    Maybe you have done this but if so sorry but I must have missed it. Instead helping the troll get excited could you outline those figures, and maybe where Saint Helier should be, here on your blog.


    1. Very fair comment. I'll do a comprehensive post over the weekend (maybe this evening).

    2. Ta very much for responding.

      I don't like the thought of Reform supporting something brought by a revolting individual like Andrew Lewis, he destroyed the hopes of hundreds of damaged people for Walker, Ogley and Co.

      But making ground on fair representation for Saint Helier is also very important.

      Lastly, come the debate I hope you and Monty will make it clear that you are supporting the proposition for these reasons and that you condemn what Lewis did.

  51. Not at all - I support putting Jersey in the best light internationally. If I means a government Minister accompanying an Official Overseas Official in a luxury vehicle, then great. I support it. That isn't a perk, it is part of the job,.

    1. No doubt you support 'putting Jersey in the best light internationally' by Bailiffs helping to protect child abusers, covering up institutional failings and screwing over anyone who doesn't go along with 'Corporate Jersey' and its march to economic and social oblivion?

    2. Deputy Mezec: Do you condone these accusations? More importantly do you agree with them?

  52. Should anyone really wonder why we neither get proper representation for the benefit of all Jersey's residents, nor even remotely competent government do you agree we really need to look no further than the woeful quality of ministers?

    Look at Anne Pryke, Been a minister how many times? Twice at Health is it, and now at Housing? yet she can barely make a coherent answer to questions even with civil servants writing it all for her.

    Then look at Susi Pinel. She should not have been made Assistant minister at Social Security she is so spectacularly useless. She only got the job because she is a close friend of the then minister Francis Le Gresley. You could not find a more uncaring, sod-the-poor and the old political inadequate if you tried.

    Then you have Eddie Noel. Got his ministry as a reward for carrying Ozouf's accounts at Treasury. Another useless individual who can't answer questions unless reading from an idiot board.

    Do you see a pattern emerging here?

    Look at Steve Luce. Eddie Noel but taller. Bigger head. Still useless.

    Kristina Moore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now this really was taking the pee. She could barely walk and talk when at CTV. Now she is even worse. Does nothing and doesn't care.

    She could not even sort out the Mr Bronx farce in ten months. All the fixed grin faux pas had to do was get the poor dog a DNA test. Cheaper by far than ten months stuck in a kennel at our expense. F/useless.

    Possibly worse than all of them if only because he likes to pretend he is some kind of intellectual has to be Rod Bryans. What as he achieved at ESC apart from bog all?

    The way he uses the wrong word trying to sound clever reminds me of boxer Chris Eubank. At leat Eubank could fight though!

    Then you have Gorst, his boss Bailhache, Green and MacLean running these goons and having them simply because they are good little do as they are tolds.

    Unless Reform Jersey can get a majority in the next couple of elections Jersey is finished. Last one out turn the light off.
