Thursday, 19 January 2017

'State of Democracy' tour of the Channel Islands

Press Release - For immediate release
Jersey political party leader to hold ‘democracy’ events across the Channel Islands

Jersey’s Deputy Sam Mézec, leader of the Island’s only political party, Reform Jersey, is announcing that he is to hold public meetings in each of the Channel Islands to discuss the state of local democracy.

This follows a speech Deputy Mézec gave in the States of Jersey Assembly at the end of last year in which he made scathing criticisms of the attitude and competence of the government of Jersey, which quickly went viral on social media, with over 100,000 views so far.

He said -
“After my speech went viral I was contacted by a lot of people in the other Channel Islandswho said that they felt that the problems I had highlighted in Jersey were equally true in their Islands too.

In Jersey, there is a widespread feeling that the government does not work for ordinary Islanders, is completely out of touch with the public and too beholden to vested interests. I know that many people in Guernsey, Alderney and Sark feel that their governments are the same and many Channel Islanders are crying out for change, but it’s falling on deaf ears from our current political leaders.”

I don’t believe that any of our Islandgovernments are demonstrating a proper commitment to true democracy and I want to encourage all Channel Islanders to get politically active and demand much better from our governments

The people of Alderney showed at their last election that you can achieve change if you engage with the political process and are prepared to punish failing politicians at the ballot box. I hope that these meetings will inspire more Islanders to get involved in political campaigns, form political parties and start working towards the change our Islands so desperately need.

Each meeting will begin with a speech on the state of democracy in the Channel Islands by Deputy Mézec, followed by the floor being opened to the public to either contribute or ask questions. Debate is encouraged!
Guernsey’s event is being held from 7:30pm on Wednesday 25th January at the Wicked Wolf (formerly the Carlton Hotel) in St Martin.
Alderney’s event is being held from 7:30pm on Thursday 26th January at the Island Hall.
Sark’s event will take place at some point in February, with a date and venue to be confirmed.

All members of the public, media and politicians welcome.


  1. Everybody knows, including the Media, that you have paid Facebook to spread this crappy speech; people know the attendance of your rubbish pub evenings because they know the people who run the bar and you think after your childish outburst on Tuesday that the Tens of Thousands of Voters who supported the COM in 2014 are going to side with Reform Jersey? You are completely deluded. Yes people want change and now there is a recruitment drive for new standees in the coming year but they won't be siding with your political outlook.

    1. Jon, as usual, your comments are so unbelievably petty and tedious.

      You do not have contacts in the media. Stop pretending you do. I know you have contacts in some pubs, given you pretty much live in them, but you don't have contacts at this particular pub.

      You cannot pay for views on a Facebook video. You can only pay for an advert to have the video appear on news feeds, you cannot force people to click on it and actually view it.

      I know it upsets you that the progressives are gaining popularity, given that we would introduce legislation to ensure your behaviour would be met with punishment as a means of protecting the public from you, but seriously, deal with your personal issues instead of this nonsense.

    2. Are you threatening a member of the Public with legislation for having a view?
      Sounds like Robert Mugabe.

    3. No, I'm saying that people who get drunk and phone people up to harass them and threaten to have them fired or killed, should face more severe punishment than at present where they are often able to get away without even being charged.

    4. You've just listed a really petty crime.
      What about rapists, murderers, criminal record checks for people working here from the outside? Glad to see where Reform Jersey's priorities lie.

    5. I'm happy to post your comments here if you post them under your real name.

      But in relation to the above comment, harassment is a serious crime. If you are constantly facing people making phone calls threatening to kill you or have your wife sacked from your job, then it can cause absolute misery and is totally inacceptable. Nice to see you make excuses for it though.

      Who says we don't also support tougher punishments for the crimes you listed? Personally I'm appalled at how lenient the sentences given to paedophiles these days are and would happily raise them.

  2. Seems like a good strategy. The States need sorting out. What happened with this Constables insanity and bankruptcy business in the States today out of interest?

    1. The States agreed to put Constables on an equal footing with Senators and Deputies, but the States did not agree to reduce the time you are banned from standing for election from 5 years to 4 years.

      Senator Ozouf gave a particularly appalling speech, but he's had a bad week in fairness.

    2. Ozouf spoke against reducing the 4 year bar? So how long is someone banned from standing then? I read on another blog you are banned for nine years? How is that possible? In the UK where I am from originally you can be a politician so long as you are a discharged bankrupt. Isn't that correct?

  3. Is it true that reform's decision to release ozouf's resignation offer early has been referred to PPC ?

  4. With hindsight, was that decision right, and did it treat the individual concerned with due respect ?

    1. In the grand scheme of things, I think it's more valuable to discuss the mess of the Innovation Fund and the millions of pounds that have disappeared, rather than when a matter of public interest was released.

  5. I don't disagree about the fund, but my question was with hindsight, was your decision a) appropriate and b) respectful of the individual concerned ? I'm not defending anybody or anything, just looking for an answer about what you believe is the appropriate type of behaviour for an elected representative. Yes or no to eac question will suffice.

  6. It is honestly to me. I know you're busy, so a simple yes or no ?

  7. What a shame. It's telling that that you choose to provide a politicians answer to a simple question. As you refuse to commit, i assume that other readers will infer, as I do, that you believed your actions to be appropriate, and that you believed you were respectful of a fellow states member. Thank you for your help.

    1. I have answered. It's not a big deal. I think it's telling that you're more preoccupied by a tweet than £1.4m going down the drain (can see why you're commenting anonymously on that basis). You're also more preoccupied with the "respect" or lack of, shown to a States Member who has handled his resignation (which he still has technically not done yet) appallingly and treated the public with contempt.

  8. With due respect, what I am preoccupied with is my business, and not something that you should try and dictate.

    The fund is one issue. Ozouf's professional competence is another issue. Both of those are certainly worthy of discussion, but they are not what I have asked you about, and I would appreciate you not attempting to use them as a distraction. I'm aware that you have given 'an' answer. It's a shame that you have refused to provide either of 'the' answers I have requested.

    If people challenging you anonymously (but politely) bothers you, then you should disable the feature which allows it.. I may however have missed the rule which states that we are we only supposed to post unquestioning comments anonymously, and if do I apologize.

    1. I didn't try to dictate. I just made an observation as you did.

      My answer is straightforward. I don't think it's a big deal. Is that hard to understand?

  9. I support your decision to tweet a segment of the Philip Ozouf speech Sam. It has to be said that it was literally only a couple of minutes before he read it out anyway it's not as if it was a week before or a couple of days it was minutes! We live in a digital age of instant information and news. You should not have to be apologetic for being a 21st century politician. Keep it up!

  10. The Government on a weekly basis is accused of not being transparent when you are Sam, it appears that you are also wrong. Maybe it would have been polite to let Philip Ozouf make his statement.
    Eitherway it would end up in the public domain, he put it up on his blog for goodness sake therefore agreed not a big deal,

  11. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE invite Lord Reg to go on the road show with you and film it? Lord Reg is a ledge!

  12. Sam please keep up the good work.If people are threatened by any kind honesty it says a lot about them. Jersey is riddled with corruption and if a blind eye is continually turned then nothing will left for the island`s long term future. Too many people seem only interested in their immediate personal "benefits".

  13. Can you do something to bring Jersey in to line with the UK and the rest of the civilised world over this bankruptcy issue Dep Higgins highlighted? I would like to see a ban for politicians who play fast and loose with our tax payer's money like Ozouf has for so long. This Innovation Fund scandal is outrageous. As for Andrew Lewis lying to the States about a damning report you haven't even seen should merit a life ban. Don't you agree? keep up the good work and good luck with your tour of the Channel Islands.

  14. Deputy, is it true that you are among three States Members who repeatedly confirm attendance at formal dinners but don't turn up, therefore costing the States last year over £3,000 pounds in costs associated with non-attendance? A FOI is in process, based on information already obtained. The three members are interestingly all Reform Jersey party members. Do you have a comment on your costs to the public purse?

    1. I have no idea what FoI this is referring to. But I almost always decline invitations to formal States dinners.

      On the very rare occasion I have accepted an invitation I have also attended.

  15. Thanks for your comment - let's see how truthful it is when compared to actual acceptances which you always have attended then.

  16. What happened with the big vote today Deputy?

  17. Jon H still attacking the Unions as Kaz81 and answering himself as Bazzer. Can we have a copy of the Union statement on here as a post? The Rag only picks bits to give the usual anti-angle.

  18. Has the Option B+ vote happened yet Deputy? can't see anything on ITV news?

    1. Bit confused on the number of amendments. How many were there and what are you voting on now?

  19. Dear Deputy Mezec.

    Can we expect a statement on this blog about how REform Jersey feels about this P133 shambles now? If nothing else I would like to know what you think of Deputy Andrew Lewis turning coat and telling members he was happy to propose this amended mess, having said inly minutes before that he wanted to pull it? Don't you think your trust was abused?

    1. No and if I may say, that's a pretty ignorant analysis of what happened.

    2. Why not just say an incorrect assessment of what happened? You don't have to call people ignorant unless they really deserve it for abuse and the like. What has been passed has left a right old hotch-potch which ever way you look at it in my opinion. I think Lewis would have been better off picking up his files and walking out rather than being pushed to accept something he said was unrecognisable from what he had lodged.

    3. This is exactly what I'm talking about. He asked to withdraw the proposition and the States refused to let him. He then voted against the proposition.

  20. Will there be a post describing what happened in our sister island of Guernsey regarding your meeting, Sam? Would be good to know if any areas of joint focus were agreed.

  21. Sam do you have a position on the proposed states bond issuance?
    It's a pretty important topic?

    1. Perhaps it would be a worthwhile topic to explore on this site? I feel the Jep's continual reference to a '900m hospital' by including the capitalised cost of the bond and 40 years interest is a gross misrepresentation. Surely this would be a good use of your time and could actually add value to the electorate through educating them about the arguments?

  22. I am admin and you had better get used to free speech you Islam loving MF.

    1. Hahahaha. What time is it in the Caribbean right now?

  23. 4 hours behind you c***.
    Stay away from my Group.

  24. This is a strange exchange. Can you enlighten us? Sounds like you are being attacked by one of the racist, fake political forum crew. They don't like democrats you knwo.

  25. As this was "our last chance for democratic change"... which therefore means there will be no more, will you persist in taking States money, given that we will never be a democracy (in your view)?

  26. Sam.

    A light-hearted look asking whose Island Is It ANYWAY?
