Thursday, 20 February 2014

Election leaflet


  1. Good luck Sam but I am not sure whether a recommendation from Geoff Southern will be of any benefit.

  2. defo not thats for sure

  3. You are the most credible candidate standing in the district. You speak for the poor the working and middle class all be it the middle class is rapidly falling in to the poor and working class in this two-tier system.

    Trouble is the only people who vote are the rich and until the working class understand things are only going to get worse for them if they continue to ignore the democratic process of voting then there is no hope.


  4. Au contraire. Geoff's supporters in St Helier 2 will naturally gravitate towards Sam.

    Good election leaflet young man. Your focus on fairness should see you through. You are clearly the best candidate.

    Don't try to mess with the tax rates though, there's a good lad. 20% is enough for anyone to give; focus on better spending what is collected.

  5. Right Wing Tory, surely the very well off, say those earning over £200K, wouldn't miss a few percent more?

    1. They might. It's not for us to decide that it's a good thing to steal their money though, is it?

      If you can't see that the States of Jersey *should be able to* operate an economy where most people are taxed between 10 and 20 per cent of their income, plus GST, stamp duty, other consumption related duties, rates for the parishes, social security, etc, etc, then we are never going to agree. I consider 20% of one's income to be a very generous amount to give to the government. They should be able to provide the services they provide from that contribution. Remember, it's my income, my money. It's not the government's money.

  6. Sam.

    As I am black-listed by the BBC they won't acknowledge my e-mails so could you let me know. Is "The Politics Hour" going to be the usual 40 minutes tomorrow or is it going to be extended to two hours bearing in mind there will be 4 guests (candidates) and 40 minutes will be nowhere near a sufficient amount of time to engage the electorate/candidates?

    Will the public be allowed to ask questions live on air or will the BBC be reading out its own selection of edited comments?

    Being black-listed, the BBC don't read out my comments/questions left on Facebook/Twitter/e-mails instead it reads out establishment friendly comments from known (to the BBC and most others) fake profiles.

    The questions I would like to submit is "do the candidates believe they can really make a difference politically without being dragged through a politicised and corrupt judicial system?"

    Do the candidates believe the true power in Jersey lays in the hands of the Law Offices Department and the State Media while the elections are no more than a veneer to dupe the public into believing they are living in a democracy?

    1. Sam.

      Realised my mistake and it is St. Helier NO.1 candidates on State Radio tomorrow so will send my questions to Nick Le Cornu's Blog.

  7. Trevor Pitman has given you one hell of an endorsement on his blog.

  8. Sam.

    A Party Political Broadcast on Behalf of REFORM JERSEY
