Thursday 3 July 2014

Reform Jersey Press Release

02 JULY 2014


Jersey will have a new political party this week. The application of Reform Jersey will be processed in the Royal Court on Friday, at which point the party will be officially recognised.

Speaking on behalf of Reform Jersey, Party Chairman, Deputy Mézec said: ‘We are delighted to now be at the point of having official recognition as a Party.

We believe that voting for a party with a clear manifesto is the only way to connect one’s vote to the delivery of policies in the States.

Our first objective is to make sure people are registered to vote and know how to vote. We have already started our voter registration campaign and we have been encouraged by the positive response we have received.’

Members, friends and supporters are invited to join us in the Royal Square at 09:45am on Friday and join us in the Royal Court at 10am.

Anyone wishing more information can contact Deputy Mézec on 07797 811130 or by email:

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For Interviews, please contact Deputy Mézec above.
We would be delighted to see any members of the media at 09:45 for a photograph and for comment.


  1. For questions that are not related to the topics of my blog posts, can I ask that they are sent to my States email address which I am able to give higher priority and more considerate responses to.

  2. Might be a political party legally - but operationally you are not. Your States Members don't even vote together on key issues, and when you do it is by coincidence. Where is your party whip? Don't even have one.

    Until you start voting as a party, and decide how you vote in caucus with a view to being a collective, then you are just a bunch of independents.

    1. Actually, at the moment the opposite is true. We are a party operationally, but not legally.

      Tomorrow we will be both.

      I know you are intentionally an antagoniser (very used to them on this blog!), but for the benefit of others who may read this -

      The definition of a party is not "always voting together". Have a look on Google and you will not find a single political party whose members vote together as a block 100% of the time. Exceptions are always given on things like issues of conscience or long standing position.

      We are a party because we share each others values, we meet together regularly, discuss each others questions and propositions and support them.

      On issues that are not high up on our list of policies or issues we just haven't considered as a party, we vote using our own judgement.

      Isn't it funny how a party will be criticsed for not letting it's members use their own judgement on votes and also criticised for letting it's member use their own judgement on votes! Just shows that the opposition isn't serious.

    2. Firstly, The Australian Labor Party and the Australian Liberal Party both have complete voting records exactly the same. They don't allow voting unless it is going to affect their religious belief, and is permissible by the party that they can. Only once has a conscious vote been allowed in Australia and it was on the issue of abortion. So effectively is 100% - there - wrong on that.

      2. You say that "issues that are not high on our list of priorities or issues we just haven't considered as a party we vote using our own judgement" - So which is it with Plemont. Was Plemont not a priority to RJ or was it something you didn't consider (both of which is concerning, that such a critical issue to our community you either don't rate, or you haven't bothered to consider!!!).

      I will remember this: So, you are allowing voting not in accordance with caucus as a bloc on issues you don't rate or haven't considered. ...

      Finally - who is the Whip?

    3. Ah Australia, a country with the most dysfunctional party system I can think of. A very poor example. How about some parties closer to home? Check out the Lab/ Con/ Lib Dem records.

      If you're trying to show that we don't act like a normal party, then you are failing badly.

      On Plémont it was long held position. Monty had a long record of supporting buying Plémont. Though, in his speech he raised the issues that the party had. Perfectly acceptable and completely normal by party standards.

      We don't have a Chief Whip.

      This is my final comment to you because, as I said, you are an aggravator not a constructive contributor.

  3. Great to see a credible political party being officially recognised and I would like to join the party as a volunteer for leafleting ect. Can you publish a membership form on here that I can print off and fill in or is there an online way of doing it? Should I email you on your government email address above?

    1. I would like to know how to join also and I'm keen to help with election stuff if you need anybody?

    2. Thanks guys.

      The form isn't yet online (still in the process of creating a proper website).

      Anyone wishing to join can email these details to -

      Name (inc. title)
      Telephone number
      Email address

      There is no membership fee, although any donations would of course be gratefully received!


  4. Gah, Jon/ Julie/ Sue/ James/ Alan/ Lawrence having a field day on this one.

    Come on mate, go back into your hole. Your time is coming.
